These links are refreshed every day with data for the major air quality index pollutants (ozone and PM) for each monitoring
site as a separate page. You may click to view or right-click to download a PDF.
Note that during the late fall and winter seasons, most ozone monitoring sites are inactive.
To request access to query historical data with your own search criteria, please submit the request form below: Once
approved, access will allow you to query data with your own selected criteria. This is NOT an avenue to request specific
data be generated and sent to you (ex. “Please send me meteorological data for the Atlanta area for June.”) Please email
your name, email, contact number, name of your organization, and a brief summary of the purpose of your request to
Request Access to Query Historical Data.
To request access for data older than seven years, please visit the EPA public database . The AQS Data Mart contains every measured value the EPA has collected via the national ambient air monitoring program.